Thursday, October 28, 2004

Wearing a little thin...

Man, lately I have been feeling pretty tired. I guess it doesn't help that I sleep late and get up early the morning to go to work and class. Not really a healthy cycle of living, but I've managed to get this far doing it so I think I'll last for the rest of the semester. Thanksgiving break isn't too much farther away, although it seems like an eternity for me since I'm typing all this out while being pretty out of it. I feel pretty shot and wearing I could fall asleep at any moment. Obviously, anyone else would just stop what their doing and just go to sleep, but for some reason I feel compelled to stay up. Like I can't go to sleep now since it's still early. I don't know why I do this, but I'm pretty sure my body isn't liking it. Anyways, I haven't really written too much in this blog, but I am on pre-production of my first actual homepage. I just downloaded some really cool web tools from a very well known and respect software company calld Macromedia. If you guessed the StudioMX webtools, then you're right, but you don't win any prizes unfortunately.

In other news, Doom 3 is one of the best games I've ever played. The realism is fantastic and I think Id Software really have outdone themselves. At least until Quake 4 is released. I haven't been playing too many video games lately. I just haven't really found the time to, or I'm just too tired to really do anything but sit here and chat on the computer or watch some mind-numbing television, i.e. Family Guy (which is one kick-ass, funny show).

The past couple of days have been quite a whirlwind of random events. I found out yesterday that I will be graduating 1 1/2 years late. I know I am allowing my friends to view this, but at this point I really don't care what they think of me. Hell, I don't even really think anything of myself. Anyways, Art History just kicked my ass and I'm going to have to retake that next year since it's not offered in the spring semester, which sucks ass because that's a semester longer than I wanted to wait to take it again. I just want to get it done and out of the way since I now know that I have 5 more art history classes to look forward too (great.....), oops, make that 6 since I am retaking one in the fall semester of next year. I swear, the things I do to myself.....I don't understand it. Maybe I don't care to understand it, but I don't know. I can't think that deep right now. I'm too out of it as I had just woken up from an apparent nap about oh, a half-hour ago? I'm not even sure. Since I like to sleep late and wake up early the next morning, my body tends to shutdown at random moments in the afternoon and evening hours. But it's funny, I've never experienced this kind of fluidity in thoughts before. It's like I have to be half asleep in order to get this way. Oh well, I guess I'm enjoying it for the time being seeing as how words to type are coming to me pretty easily right now.

Geez, I had just realized all the pointless shit that I have written for the past 10 minutes. Seems like I'm rambling. I probably am...

Well, I think that'll about do it for now.

Goodnight everyone.

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