Thursday, March 03, 2005

What is going on?

Wow, I'm surprised by the way things are going right now.

I have procrastinated on so many things lately, namely school work, which now isn't the best time to be doing so. You think I would have learnd my lesson of not procrastinating from staying up late at night into the early morning hours and hardly getting any sleep, but nope. I just don't understand why I do that to myself. I'm pretty sure that it isn't a healthy cycle of living. I'm like dead by the middle of the day, or even dead all day from sleeping only about 3 hours a night. :p

It sucks, but I can't help it!!! AAHHHH!

I just got a brand new Apple PowerBook G4 and now I don't think I deserve it because of my academic performance lately. Of course, I could punish myself by not allowing myself to use it, but come on, lol, that's not going to work.

Sigh.....I'm getting a little tired. I think I should go to sleep, and it's only 9:06 pm!!!
