Just when you think you know someone, you begin to find out their true nature and alter your views about them. Whether good or bad, something within the years knowing each seems to be thrown off by little details here and there that alter and preconceptions of a person.
For me, the changes that I see are changes that seem like they are to become more of a long-term change. What I am talking about is the distancing of friends. I'm sure most people will experience this at sometime in their life, if they have not already. Old friends tend to distance themselves as new ones join in your life. This probably doesn't seem like much for most people seeing as how we pick up and move on. What happens when you don't want to let go of those friends? It can be a difficult time for yourself, but with your friends not seeing it that way. Makes you wonder if there was something you may have done wrong when in fact it could be true that a friend can indeed be bored with being with you for so long. Much like how a lot of relationships seem to end.
Friends I hold dear to my heart yet it doesn't seem as if that connection is agreed upon by the others.
If there was a way to start life all over again........
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