Monday, September 13, 2004

College Part III: The Saga Continues

Ok, so college hasn't been going that bad but it's been so boring and full of doing things that I really don't want to do. To be honest, I would just like to live out my life now. Already have a home, a car, and my computer business. I would be perfectly happy with it, no matter what anyone would say. Of course, I would base it off of the performance on the computer business, but I have a feeling that it would perform with desirably. I'm just tired of going to school for so long. I mean you can only take so much of it. I happen to read a very interesting question regarding the higher education, and not in one instance but twice. The first was from the site when the question of whether college is really worth going to. Now, they did follow a college grad from Florida (I think...?) and she graduated with a BA in Business. Now that's pretty respectable, but she never found a position that suited her or that was open for her (I think, don't quote me. If you want exact details try to find the article. Better yet, I'll try and find it sometime for you all to view). She ended up settling with a job that barely made payments for her apartment and piles of student loans. Although I'm not running on any student loans, it's still a giant check to go towards something that might not workout. The other question that I encountered was featured on from the "Member of the Day" segment of the website. She asked, "Do you think college is overrated?".

My answer: Totally

I really do believe that college is somewhat overrated because of the "importance" of getting a college education. Basically, anyone who does not go into college will probably never successful, or as successful as someone who does graduate from college. I think attending college is becoming a requirement in life and I don't think it should be. I think it should be more of a supplemental option. But, I guess training and such at the acutal job sites would cost the companies money and that whole economic jazz that I don't really want to go into right now.

I don't know. I just want to begin my life in the real world. It's quite a confusing dilemma for me right now. Don't ask why because I don't even know myself.

More to come.......